Test Podcast Post

This article will be a Supporting Blog post as part of a broader Pillar Strategy. As one part of a network of content related to the Pillar Topic of “HR Technology”, it is designed to answer one specific and important question the market asks search engines. The information contained within this content brief is designed to help you write an approximately 750-word article that covers the specific facets of this topic that people are most interested in learning about.

Below, you’ll find the meta information for this article, including its focus keyword which doubles as its title. You’ll find notes to help you understand your audience and the brand’s voice, as well as a detailed outline of the final article.

It is critical that the finished article follows this outline closely, using the exact heading titles and keywords where noted in each section of the outline. Additionally, the outline will contain recommended links to include in this article in order to construct the proper internal linking structure that creates the network effect intended by the Pillar-Based Marketing methodology for this Pillar Strategy.

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